Friday, March 20, 2015

How do flowers get their color?
Flowers that are bright in color are meant to attract birds, bees and other insects in order to help the plants reproduce. Bright colors or dull colors are fixed in the genetics of a flower. If a plant needs to reproduce with the help of the birds and the bees – the genetics will make the flowers have bright colors to attract the animals (think putting on makeup and doing hair to attract a mate). In addition, if the pollination and reproduction are made this way, the fruits of the plant will be sweet and pleasant tasting. If reproduction through pollination is done by way of wind and air – the pigments of the plant will be inconspicuous and dull with bad tasting fruit. If the plant calls for pollination, the bright flower and sweet pollen will coax birds, bees and insects to land on it. As these animals eat the sugar or honey, some of the pollen with sticks to their feet. When they land on another flower some of that pollen will spread and voila! Pollination occurs. If a flower’s anthocyanin’s did not position the genetic groundwork for brightly colored plants then none of this would be possible.

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